The regional office has multi-state responsibility to administer and oversee major Federal transit grant programs having significant Federal funding, major political emphasis, high visibility, and diverse purposes. The Regional Administrator is responsible for managing all open grants, which could range from one year for an operating assistance grant, to up to eight years to construct complex transit improvements. There may be up to $40 billion in grant funds under active management.
FTA's Region 2 office serves two states: New York and New Jersey and is one of FTA’s largest, most complex regions with a large share of all U.S. transit service and several multi-billion dollar, nationally significant infrastructure projects. underway. The Regional Administrator works with over 40 recipients, one of which is the largest public transit operator in the country and four of which are among the 30 largest systems. The Regional Administrator is responsible for the funding and oversight of the grantees and funding resources.
Represents the Administrator of the FTA in the Region and directs the planning and development of comprehensive, coordinated, mass transportation systems. Represents and speaks for the Administrator in the resolution of highly controversial policy and political issues throughout the Region with top ranking officials of the State and local governments; Congressional delegations; representatives of the transit industry; technical associations; interest groups and the public; and other Federal officials.
Administers the Federal Transportation programs which include planning, engineering, design, construction, environmental and operating program aspects uniform land acquisition and relocation assistance program which provides Federal assistance to those displaced by transit construction recipient and contractor compliance with civil rights program requirements contractor compliance pursuant to Davis-Bacon Act requirements; air quality planning program of and in coordination with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); and other transit related programs of applicable Federal programs.
Directs the planning, implementation, and conduct of the FTA programs through the regional office. Assures that all organization elements within the regional office provide proper emphasis to individual programs in relation to total FTA regional program responsibilities and the resources available within the regional office.
Determines and establishes program policies, objectives, and priorities for the region and directs the development of regional program plans for accomplishment of programs through the regional office. Assures that actions comply with national and regional policies, objectives and regulations.
Assures maximum Federal, state, and local cooperation in the development of transportation systems in a manner that will serve the States and local communities effectively and efficiently. Provides executive direction in the provision of financial and technical assistance to State and local officials in the development of short and long-range transportation/transit plans and programs which are formulated on the basis of transportation needs, with consideration to comprehensive long- range land use plans, development objectives, other functional plans, and social, environmental, economic, transportation systems performance, and energy conservation goals and objectives.
Directs technical expertise in the study and analysis of alternative transportation system management and investment strategies to assure efficient use of existing transportation facilities.
Directs the management of the Section 8 transportation/transit planning and actions involving project-development and application. Approves or disapproves Federal-aid grants and amendments and coordinates with the Administrator and appropriate Associate Administrators on highly controversial projects, recommending appropriate action to be taken.
Directs the management of Federal-aid capital grants, operating assistance and capital loan programs assuring that projects are based upon the consideration of engineering, economic, social and technological factors, as well as grantee mass transportation problems and experience in the management of financial assistance programs. Assures that all significant actions involving project development and grant applications are in compliance with national and regional policies. Approves or disapproves Federal-aid grants and amendments and coordinates with the Administrator and appropriate Associate Administrators on highly controversial projects, recommending appropriate action to be taken.
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) provides financial and technical assistance to local public transit systems, including buses, subways, light rail, commuter rail, trolleys and ferries. FTA also oversees safety measures and helps develop next-generation technology research.
Transit services supported by FTA span many groups and provide wide-ranging benefits. Since 1964, FTA has partnered with state and local governments to create and enhance public transportation systems, investing more than $12 billion annually to support and expand public rail, bus, trolley, ferry and other transit services. That investment has helped modernize public transportation and extended service into small cities and rural communities that previously lacked transit options.
An agency within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), FTA is headed by an administrator appointed by the President of the United States. FTA is one of DOT’s 10 modes of transportation and is run by a headquarters in Washington, D.C. as well as 10 regional offices that assist transit agencies in all states and U.S. territories.