Director - Department of Community Development

  • Clark County
  • Nov 09, 2020
Full time Government

Job Description

Job Summary

Department director position administering the Community Development functions of land use, development review, building and site inspection, engineering, code enforcement, fire marshal’s office, animal protection and control, and others as assigned.  Manages a staff of approximately 150 positions through intermediate managers and administrative officers. Reports to the County Administrator and Clark County Board of Commissioners on all Community Development services and functions.

Education and Experience:  Bachelor’s degree and 8-10 years responsible management experience providing expertise in the leadership of Community Development programs and services.  A master’s degree in public administration or a related field is highly desirable.  In addition to expertise and commitment to public involvement and participation, excellent leadership and interpersonal communication skills, and strong written communication and public presentation skills, the ideal experience would provide a thorough:

Knowledge of:  Operational characteristics, services and activities of a land use planning, development review, and inspection programs (i.e., building, site, fire); modern and complex principles and practices of urban planning and development review; modern and complex principles and practices of land use, environmental protection, engineering, architecture, design, economics, finance, law and sociology as applied in the planning process; principles and practices of public administration; methods and techniques of effective public presentations; research methods and sources of information related to urban growth and development;  recent developments, current literature and sources of information related to planning and administration;  principles of budget preparation and control;  principles of supervision, training, and performance evaluation;  and pertinent federal ,state and local laws, codes, and regulations.

Ability to: Manage and coordinate the work of supervisory, professional and technical personnel; select, supervise, train, and evaluate staff; analyze problems, identify alternative solutions, project consequences of proposed actions, and implement recommendations in support of goals; identify, coordinate, and resolve a wide variety of interests in the development of land use policies; analyze site design, terrain constraints, water quality management, erosion control, and land use compatibility and other urban services; ensure program compliance with federal, state, and local rules, laws, and regulations; communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing, establish and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of work including county and other government officials, community groups, and the general public.

An online application is required.  For complete job announcement, application requirements, and to apply on-line, please visit our website at:                                                                                     
Salary Grade: M1.913 ($9,253.00 - $13,073.00) per month



M1.913 ($9,253.00 - $13,073.00) per month